So I hear your sigh
.just yet in fact, as there is no snow falling.
Thanks to the four shots of espresso, I was barely able to sleep last night. Somehow I could get some sleep in the bus to the airport, inside the plane, and hotel after checking in around 4 p.m. As I decided to go to Otaru and Hakodate tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, respectively, I bought JR pass at the airport. Somebody kind of warned me that I would have hard time as I did not know how to speak Japanese, but I really did not as my and their English was decent enough. Oh, I gave up eating some dumpling on the street as I did not know how to order or pronounce the name of it, but it was only difficulty happened due to my illiteracy toward Japanese, and it was a good decision not to eat that anyway.
My motel is some kind of business hotel at the district named Susukino, where a lot of restaurants and bars are concentrated and two subway stations apart from the Sapporo station. The room is really small like coop and I feel it is OK as I did not expected too much, but the smell of cigarette makes me really crazy.
All in all, this is very strange feeling; I have been living in the middle of nowhere all by myself, and traveled to some place where I used to live more than 5/6(approximately) of my life and feel kind of lost, and get to someplace neither here not there at last. There is no doubt that I do not know how I can define what I am feeling now.
On the way back to the motel, I stopped by flower place and was thinking about buying some flowers where there was no one I could give it to: it would have been a bunch of red roses with lively green leaves like the color of Christmas itself.
…Anyway you know it is a flower I have been looking for, for a long, long time.
# by bluexmas | 2007/12/21 23:07 | Life | 트랙백 | 덧글(5)

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