자원봉사 후기
지지난 주 토요일에 갔었던 자원봉사 후기입니다. 사실 뭔가 더 쓰려는 생각은 안 하고 있었는데, 주최측에서 사진을 찍어서 회사 홍보팀에 보냈고, 또 거기에서는 사보에 기사를 싣겠다고 하더라구요. 그래서 간단하게 비교적 ‘공식적인(=가식적인)’ 글을 써 줬습니다.
On 26th of January, Jone Doe and I joined Hand on Atlanta’s volunteer program at Parklane elementary school to help them and the children of the community having fun with architecture. As there were architects or interns who had been volunteering for the program, they came up with the idea that gave young kids, from 3th to 5th grade, the taste of architecture.
The architecture activity was held on the second half of the program while the first half was dedicated for the usual activities of reading books, and the second half activity was consist of brief introduction of architecture and play with ideas of architecture and landscape architecture; the kids were given the master plan of the school and neighborhood, and set of architecture and landscape like houses and trees as well. I just wanted to let their imagination play as much as it could, thus only helped them by cut the houses and other architectural elements from the paper and encouraged the kids do whatever they wanted to do. As a result, they came up with great idea of planning neighborhood with a lot of houses, malls, football fields, and trees. In addition, they put more natural elements like wildfire, volcanoes, etc.
Since it was just an hour long session, entire group had brief presentation to talk about how they make their neighborhood better by their own idea, and they really enjoyed very much. And without a doubt, it was great experience for me as well just by the idea of helping other people, whoever they are, with my professional knowledge which I think one of the most important things of my life. And if that was for the children like whom I met, it was more meaningful. Eventually, I came back with very different kind of joy and happiness I have not felt for a while, and look forward participating it whenever possible.
그리고 이렇게 별 볼일 없는 영어를 홍보팀 직원이 고쳐준 결과는 다음과 같습니다.
On January 26th, Jone Doe and I joined a Hands on Atlanta volunteer program organized by Niles Bolton Associates at Parklane Elementary School. The program was designed to help children of the community have fun with architecture.
The architecture activity was held during the second half of the program while the first half was dedicated to the usual activities of reading books. The architecture theme on this day was centered on landscape architecture. To facility the activity, the kids were given the master plan of their school and neighborhood and a set of pre-drawn houses, trees and other architectural elements.
My approach to mentoring them was simple; I wanted to let their imagination run wild, thus only helped the kids by cutting the houses and other shapes from the paper and encouraged the them to do whatever they wanted with the objects. As a result, they came up with the great idea of planning a neighborhood with lots of houses, malls, football fields, and trees. In addition, they put more natural elements like wildfire, and volcanoes into their plan.
Since it was just an hour long session, the entire group made a brief presentation addressing how they designed their neighborhood. Without a doubt, it was a great experience for me because I was helping others by contributing my time and professional knowledge, which is such an important part of my life. And because of the children I met, it was even more meaningful. At the end of the day I came away with a very different kind of joy and happiness I have not felt for awhile, and I look forward to the next opportunity.
정면 사진도 있는데 이날따라 머리가 더 커보이게 찍혀서…
# by bluexmas | 2008/02/07 15:17 | Life | 트랙백 | 덧글(7)

예전에 한글학교에서 봉사하던 기억이 나네요.
올해엔 뭔가 도울 일들을 찾아보고 싶네요.

비공개 덧글입니다.

비공개 덧글입니다.

비공개 덧글입니다.

쏘리님: 다음주 월요일까지 해석해서 제출하세요^^
비공개 1님: 전 돈과 시간보다 시내에 가는 기름을 쓰는게 더…
비공개 2님: 옆얼굴로 상상 금지입니다요~
intermezzo님: 하시는 일에 비하면 새발의 핀데요 뭐…
비공개 3님: 그게 아니고 입장 사절이라는 얘기에요… 거기에 얽힌 뭔가가 좀 있어서요. 이런 마이너 블로그가 추천 받을리 만무하죠. 물론, 절대 원하지도 않지만…